Nexergy Invited to Cassandra Shareholders Meeting In Stockholm Showcasing Their Alliance

Nexergy, a leading sustainable energy investment firm, made a significant stride in its partnership with Cassandra, a Swedish environmental company focusing on oil and gas recycling, during a shareholder meeting held in central Stockholm on 29th August 2024. The event, led by Cassandra’s CEO Anders Olsson, displayed the integration between Nexergy and Cassandra, solidifying a strategic alliance for the future.

The shareholder meeting highlighted important updates on the ongoing process for Cassandra shareholders to be a part of Nexergy as shareholders. Nexergy’s participation brought valuable insights into their vision for the collaboration and their commitment to driving innovation in Cassandra’s operations.

At the meeting, the Nexergy team outlined their strategic vision for the near and long-term future. They presented a five-year plan that leverages Cassandra’s innovative technology, aiming to expand operations from a single site in the United Kingdom to 16 sites across the region. This expansion is a key component of Nexergy’s growth strategy. In addition to Nexergy’s plans, Cassandra unveiled its complementary five-year strategy, which includes further site developments beyond the 16 planned by Nexergy. Together, these plans underscore the synergistic potential of the partnership, paving the way for significant advancements in sustainable energy solutions.

Said Anders Olsson, CEO of Cassandra,
“This event marked a crucial moment for Cassandra. Nexergy updated our shareholders on the important share transfer process and the distribution of digital share certificates. The integration of Nexergy is a significant milestone that aligns with our vision for the future. We are enthusiastic about the collaborative opportunities this brings.”

12 Responses

  1. René Gotland
    Strandbakken 12
    4070 Kirke Hyllinge

    Person nr.: 2510590549

    Jeg har 300000 aktier i Caassandra Oil AB via Nordnet Danske afdeling. Aktiedepot · 12883161.
    Kontonummer: 9490-0012883583

  2. Hi,
    I,m a shareholder of 4500 CASO shares currently held by Swedish company Avanza. When will they be converted to Nexergy shares, and when is this reflected by my local company depo?

  3. Hej! Har lämnat alla uppgifter ni bad om men har ännu inte fått några aktier.Undrar när de kommer?Med Vänlig Hälsning Lennart

  4. Anders Olsson invented this needed technology and I am happy for him. I would have liked that this could stayed in my own country, Sweden. But my country don´t know anything these days. So Nexergy welcome. I hope that you take care of this remarkebul invention to our benefits. Cassandra OIL have been struggeling many years against Swedish “athoroties” for so long.
    AND Take care of Anders for me.
    I wish you the best
    Anders Wiman

    1. Hi Anders,

      Thank you so much for your kind words and support! We truly appreciate it. Rest assured, we are fully committed to carrying this remarkable invention forward and making the most of its potential. We’ll certainly take good care of Anders and continue building on his work.

  5. Hej!
    Har det bestämts när aktieägare i Cassandra kommer att bli tilldelade aktierna i Nexergy ?

    mvh. Mats Hansson

    1. Hi Mats!

      Thank you for your question! The allocation of Nexergy shares has already started. If you haven’t received your shares yet, please send us a message via the contact form with your contact details, and we’ll make sure to send them out as soon as possible.

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